Tale of A Herbalist

The wise witch in the willows.

Once upon a time, there lived a woman deep in the woods.

Who had fallen in love with a local hunter.

She was a wise young woman.

Who was ever confident in her ways.

She was my mother.

And though my father would be famed for downing a felbeast.

He would be haunted throughout the rest of his days.

And his children. Would know this curse.

She came from a long line of healers and practitioners of the old ways.

My mother's mother was a teacher and her sister a teacher.

And those that came after her would be caretakers of the elderly and ill.

My mother knew many remedies.

The use of spice and herb to aid the sick.

The way to eat so as to guarantee long everlasting life.

And the way to love, as to warm the cockles of your heart.

This she had in abundance.

And beneath the willow's long branches. Many found shelter.

My cousins and other families would know they would be cared for.

Beneath her wooden roof.

My mother's sister was a seer. My grandfather a witch doctor.

The two of them knew much in the way of the mind and body.

And from their teachings, my mother learned to care for loved ones.

And in return, she was loved by all.

Now alongside my brother and I, we face these three threats.

For where would we be.

Without the kind hands of...

A Herbalist.

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Jonathan Clasker

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I want to make a book series based in alternate universe set a few decades in the future. I'm hoping to make a living as an author and appreciate any support that you can lend me along the way. Cheers!

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Jonathan Clasker

Sci-fi & fantasy writer, gamer and geek. Looking to just drop some stories here for those to enjoy.